
  • A open laptop sits on a dunny desk with the words " Join Us Online" in  orange fancy script  displaying on the screen.

    VIP Sales Page Service

    Got a course launch, membership drive, Master Class, e-book, or digital guide you want to launch into the world?

    The VIP Sales Page service is where I collect Voice of Customer research, audit your material, craft the copy for your offer, and strategize your launch with you — all in a way that makes you croon instead of cringe.

    I can’t wait to deliver a streamlined, research-rich, community-building sales page experience that will have your buy buttons blazin’!

  • A person in a mustard colored sweater sits in front of a window typing on a laptop.

    Copy Talk Mentor Lounge

    I upped my formerly 60-minute review session to a whopping 90 minutes so we can get right into shining up your copy! I’ll give you helpful marketing suggestions and provide a Google Doc guide that will help you DIY till you can afford to del-e-gate!

    Send me your web copy drafts; your pitch deck; or even the cold emails you’re hoping to send and I’ll help make them sparkle!

    This flat fee service is for folks just starting out or who want a second pair of expert eyes on their copy. You’ll get a personal coach/editor for 90 minutes to ask me anything!

    Let’s build community over competition!

    Hit the button below to request a booking.

    *This service as a single, once-off purchase is not eligible for split pay invoicing.

  • A sign with the words "Good news is coming" is pasted on a telephone pole.


    Instructional Design (ID) considers what materials and delivery methods work best for your audience so that they can achieve your course goals. If your course isn’t considering accessibility and ID, then it’s not only unethical it can devalue your content and impact your credibility.

    In this course, you’ll learn the basics about how to address the actual delivery and framework of your course so that it can support and uplift your content, and be affirming and supportive for your audience.


  • "We were worried about sounding too 'sell-y'. Reading their first attempt on our sales page and newsletter just about made us weep with relief — they GOT was such a wonderful feeling and we feel so grateful to be working with them!"

    ~Hannah & Kelty

    Parent Activists, Child Advocates, Certified Simplicity Parenting Coaches |

  • A person with a shaved head, stands with hands on their hips, smiling in front of a bright window.

    “Excellent and professional, and clients should know that they can trust your work to reflect their goals and intentions.”

    ~Matthew Weiss

    Photographer |

  • woman seated in an arm chair in a black satan top, smiling at the camera

    “Stacey’s copy work was so much better than anything I could have done myself. The flow from the customer's need and struggle through to how I will serve and shift and transform was seamless and artful and lovely. I am so impressed with their ability to truly understand my unique contribution and the person I am longing to serve. Incredible work!”

    ~Amanda Diekman | Low Demand Amanda

    Author, Coach, and Course Creator | Low Demand Parenting


  • An open planner with pencil and a coffee mug and laptop in the background

    1 | Discovery Call

    Whether you’re thinking of applying for the Sales Page service or we’re collaborating on your DIY, I always start this party with a 30-minute Discovery Call. I want to hear about you and your project and see if working together is the right next step!

    If some serious hearts and stars are floating around I’ll get back to you with a proposal and payment links so you can get this train on the track to GLORY.

  • View of a desk from above with open laptops, coffee mugs, tea pots and other office supplies scattered around.

    2 | The Collab

    You’ll receive pre-call prep work to fill out (service dependent). Once I’ve reviewed your answers, we hop on a call for a meeting of the minds.

    This is co-work. Together we get clear and confident on roles and responsibilities and a project plan. Then I can go off and craft the magic.

    So come stretched out, warmed up, and ready to go with data and details then it’s ALLL me! I’ll write my heart out and meet you at the finish line to dance around and celebrate!

  • View from above of hands holding out a partially opened envelope with a valentine heart peeking out from the inside.

    3 | Delivery Day!

    The day has come. It’s time to see your shiny new copy!

    You’ll also get info on strategy, 2 rounds of edits, and seven days of support for you or your web design team!

    You’ll be GO. FOR. LAUNCH.

No matter how we work together, you’ll get… 

  • Do you know that electric, warm fuzzy feeling you get when someone just gets you?

    I LIVE for that feeling and frankly, I’m tired of settling for anything less!

    I write compelling copy that spreads your message in a way that inspires others and that isn’t full of jargon, scarcity tactics, or bullshit. I have an allergy to anyone talking the talk without walking the walk.

    And if you need to call me in, I welcome the kind of respectful communication that helps people grow!

    I want to make sure you never settle either. ❤️

  • You’ve been super focused on your business, offerings, and whatever dance TikTok might be pressuring you to do — I get it!

    But, you and your team may be too close to effectively write sales copy in a way that, well, sells. An objective view may be just what you need to crack the code!

    Maybe you’re struggling with tooting your own horn.

    Maybe you keep trying to make yourself “bite-sized” because others have told you you're “too xyz” and that you have to be/ do such and such to sell.

    BB you don’t need that capitalist, colonial caca!

    We can use money to sustain ourselves and our communities without playing that game!

    Let me help with copy that hits the sweet spot between over-explaining your offer and being too brief at the cost of the hook. And it’s gonna be totally YOU in all of your amazingness. No downplaying, no sellin’ out.

    As a professional who is external to your business, I see things with fresh eyes focused on the words and strategies it takes to get you COMPENSATION FOR YOUR WORK and…whatever else it is that you are dreaming of that has nothing to do with work!

  • I’m not making this stuff up — I’m doing voice-of-customer research, picking your brain, and learning all about what makes you and your offering outstanding!

    I’m a self-proclaimed perfectionist when it comes to nailing tone, inclusivity, story-telling, language, headlines, throughlines, deadlines…

    Then I tie that all together with copy that = a luscious launch!